
Baz Framework


composer require tivins/baz dev-main
composer init \
    --no-interaction \
    --name="me/my-project" \
    --type="project" \
    --stability="dev" \
    --autoload="src/Me/MyProject" \

using deven(1)

deven new-project MyProject my-project
deven cert-self my-project.test # optional
deven php vendor/bin/baz install
# Open http://my-project.test:8080 (according to your configuration)
# Or https://my-project.test (self-signed certificate)

Using installer

The --uri option is required on each call to vendor/bin/baz.

# Interactive mode:
vendor/bin/baz init --interactive \
    --uri "my-project.test"  
    # then, answer questions

# Direct mode
vendor/bin/baz init --use-default \
    --uri "my-project.test"
    # then, change in generator configuration files

Manual installation

Create Schema

namespace MyNamespace;

use Tivins\Baz\install\schema\Table;
use Tivins\Baz\install\schema\Field;

class Schema extends \Tivins\Baz\install\schema\Schema 
    public function build(): static
        $this->setNamespace('myApp', 'Short description of myApp.');
        // Generic modules
        // App-specific modules
            // ...

    public function createTableExample(): Table
        $id = Field::newSerial('id');
        $name = Field::newString('name', 32)->setNotEmpty();
        return (new Table('examples', 'Example'))
            ->addFields($id, $name)

Create Installer

namespace MyNamespace;

class Installer extends \Tivins\Baz\Core\install\Installer
    protected function install(): void
        (new Example())

Create Host configuration

For host http://my-app.test:9991,
create a file : ${ROOT}/config/my-app.test:9991.php


use Tivins\app\install\Installer;
use Tivins\app\Schema;
use Tivins\Baz\App;
use Tivins\Baz\DB;

App::start(historize: true, log_dir: APP_ROOT . '/logs');
DB::initMariaDB('my_project', 'root', 'some-password');
App::setModelsFilename(APP_ROOT . '/db_objs.php');
const DEBUG = false;


in ${ROOT}/boot.php

use Tivins\Baz\App;
const APP_ROOT = __dir__;
require_once APP_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php';
if ( !defined('APP_INSTALL')) {
    require App::getModelsFilename();


Deven is a dockerized Apache/MariaDB/PHP8.2+ environment.

Ping me for more information about it.